Sevenoaks Delivery

Sevenoaks, Edenbridge, Tunbridge Wells and the surrounding areas

Our delivery drivers will personally deliver in the area shown below:-


Our delivery charges are as follows:

  • Same Day - anytime between 9:00am & 6:00pm  £9.50
  • Next Day (or future date) - anytime between 9:00am & 6:00pm £7.50

Same day delivery is only available for orders received before 2:00pm. Orders received after this time will be delivered on the next day (except Sundays and bank holidays) unless a different date is requested.

Next day  delivery - if an order is placed after 5:00pm for the following day, some flowers may need to substituted, depending on stock availability.

Delivery will be between the times above, but we are unable to deliver at a specific time.

If there is no one home to accept the delivery, flowers may be left in a safe place, out of sight or with a neighbour. If you would like the flowers to be left in a specific place, please enter this in the comments box in the checkout area. Please note, orders that include alcohol must be signed for by someone over the age of 18.